Sunda and Tembo have a long history of aggression issues between one another according to the zoo keepers' records. These excerpts below were taken from those records and will give you a glimpse into part of their lives when the keepers were actually recording their behavior. Unfortunately, several years worth of records are missing. But for the years that were available, these entries speak volumes.
8/3/95 - "While servicing the elephant uni, Jodi was knocked into the bars by Sunda. Jodi was working Sunda and both elephants were chained. Jodi crawled through the bars while Tanya stretched Sunda's and layed her down. Mike Y., Merle and Mike C. responded. Jodi was taken to St. Francis for back injury. Incident report was filed."
11/1/95 - "Aggitated and aggressive for the last 4 days, ramming the bar, doors, grabbing at non-elephant personnel (and trainee), throwing at everybody, suspect she is restless and bored because they has not been outside for a week due to coverage. No feces, no interest in food, constantly posing, aggressive gestures."
12/12/95 - Grabbed DBA at bars as he was walking thru door between elephant giraffe units. DBA got away, call 41 & 42 and went in and disciplined her for 5 minutes."
9/8/96 - "Do not have appropriate staffing or time to bathe or work on their feet for the past 3 days. Sunda needs footwork very badly."
9/11/96 - "Has resorted to sterotype dancing at the door to the yard from at 1530 to when she's brought in for 3 days. Aggression towards Tembo has increased from 0 incidents to 3-4 times daily since introduction to yard. Spending 30 to 40% of time from 1400 hrs by patio, just standing. She "purrs" when keeper is in visual range in back aisle while Sunda dances. Personally feel that newness of yard has worn off and looking for interaction to break monotony after they have eaten and drank their fill. Found exposed cut on left cheek (probably from "sparring" with Tembo) treated with Furizone.
9/12/96 - "I noticed that Sunda was standing at the back door at 0930. She stood there for 2 1/2 - 3 hrs. She either had her trunk hanging on the patio or she was sterotypically pacing or "rocking" as it is called. There was hay in the yard and they had just been put out 15 min before."
9/15/96 - "Bringing in elephants at 1645, both came to door in line up position. Sunda went in with MAY, Tembo started to go in with TAT and backed out of doorway, then proceeded to furiously "throw a fit" in the yard. Tembo backed up fell to knees, swing her trunk, drove her tusk into the ground mock charged, head shook all of these aggressive behaviors repeatedly. Switched elephants Sunda was taken into the stall and eye contact was lost, then both elephants roared, spun repeatedly. Sunda frantic inside stall, ramming walls, spinning wildly, roaring, charging door. Twice ran thru hippo stall and outside. TAT yell at MAY to get out of the way. Treats were tried with Tembo but did not work. It appeared that Tembo was frightened for what ever reason and would not come in."
9/19/96 - "Sunda and Tembo were sparring today in the unit at 1100 hrs. Sunda was apparently tusked in left eye. It was swollen and bleeding around the tear duct. Rinsed & scrubbed clean."
11/1/96 - "While doing doors on transferring elephants and felt tension on door, I let my hand go, at that time I hear KB say "Come here Sunda", and then "No Sunda, Sunda No", then the crank spun wildly and again I heard DB yell "No Sunda, Sunda No!". Another keeper said Sunda took a swing at KB and barely brushed her face. Sunda was charging her before that happen and rammed the bars. Observed 4 separate incidents of Sunda doing a "full blown" charge at KB. Sunda also threw door to hippo stall outside open before keeper in back aisle was prepared. At no time did KB remove herself to an area out of reach of Sunda, other than being forced against the railing), she yelled "no" and even called Sunda back over. In my opinion the situation has now become very potentially lethal."
11/2/96 - "At 1015 KB and myself (SCM) were going to transfer the elephant KB was walking in front of me, as she went north thru the door she was hit by "Sunda". Sunda's trunk came up across the front of KB's body. KB then ducked forward and covered her head. Sunda's down swing came across KB back. This is when I grabbed the back of KB shirt at the same time, KB started to back up in the service area. Sunda's trunk slipped off KB and I went thru the empty Giraffe stall to avoid Sunda."
1/17/97 - "Received cut in mouth when she & Tembo had disagreement."
3/28/97 - "Sunda for the last two days has rammed Tembo the African elephant. Trainer did talk to other members. If she continues to do this, we will need to talk about it in EMC."
4/10/97 - "Sunda today while transferring the elephants inside, Sunda did a full charge with her head into Tembo's temple area. Tembo was find and it took 15-20 min for the elephants to settle down, after that the chaining and everything else was find."
4/11/97 - "Today transferring her to the outside didn't go well. She proceed to ignore keeper's command to come outisde, instead she wanted to play with whatever she could get hold just like any elephant would do naturally. She proceed to break the chain that we use to open and close the elephant stall door with. Then repeatedly rammed that door and the keepers exist door while trumpeting a few times. Then she proceeded to rip up the chain into three pieces. She took one of the pieces of chain to start thrashing at the walls. During this time she did manage to break out the skylight in the hippo stall. We did close down the buiding until we finally got them out. SCM was feeding Sunda produce in which Sunda was mock charging me several times. All took about fourty to thirty minutes to get Tembo out. We do have to push the elephant door close by hand and with both elephants chained up until we get the door fix there is basically no barrier with opening and closing the elephant door."
4/12/97 - "Sunda today when transferring her back into the elephant stall, she rammed Tembo with her head. They both were being fed at the time, but other than that no apparent reason why Sunda hit Tembo."
4/12/97 - "Today on transferring on the elephants, sunda was the only one giving problems. I was not there for the morning, but it was reported that Sunda was being extremely aggressive towards Lisa Burton the trainer and Jason Bredahl the mechanic. Sunda repeatedly charge at them. Cathy Harrison did take over as trainer, because Lisa asked her to and had no further problems. When we transferred, Sunda was acting up at first. First thing she did was to ram the bars toward Lisa and Jason which did make them and the public jump back. Then she turn around and rammed Tembo to stop her from coming".
6/8/97 - "Again Sunda's aggression and frustration levels seem to be on the rise. The main problem occurs after she is chained and someone has to manually slide the stall door open or close. She breaks from any position she is in and moves to the door (stretching chain as far as she can) hitting the door with her trunk and swinging it through the doorway and trying to grab the keeper."
6/11/97 - "She is still lunging at the door, but she is on short chain which has helped."
6/22/97 - "Today Tembo refused to go out when sent. She stayed inside the elephant stall and banged on doors with hind legs, threw feces on walls and rammed the elephant/hippo door with her head. She was also very vocal the entire episode."
6/23/97 - "Transfer out into yard was difficult again. Sunda came out fine but Tembo stayed in stall. After 5 minutes, Sunda broke from her stations with me to go check on Tembo. I positioned myself to see into the hippo stall and called to Tembo. Sunda charged me and hit the fence with her trunk, back off and was ok. Went towards the door again and charged me again when I called to Tembo. She put her trunk through the 2nd and 3rd wires and extended trunk about a foot or so. She was shocked and backed off squealing."
7/13/97 - "For the past week she has shown more aggression towards Tembo. Today when we were trying to transfer them back, Sunda pushed Tembo in a corner and stopped."
8/10/97 - "Today Sunda was chasing Tembo around the yard for a good 20 minutes or so and she would not stop. Then when Sunda came in she did have a few scratches around her head, probably from Tembo's tusk."
8/20/97 - "Sunda is showing more aggression towards Tembo. Today when released to go inside Sunda pushed Tembo into a large hole in the yard. Tembo had somewhat of a struggle climbing out with all of the mud and water."
10/11/97 - "Sunda was very aggressive today and would not listen to commands very well either. She hit the bars twice swinging her trunk through at me. She pushed on the protective barrier in front of SCM and was pressing her head into bars when he was attempting to flush her temporal gland. She was standing without listening to commands w/her head held high, open mouth and trunk on the top bar."
10/14/97 - "Sunda was still aggressive and not cooperative again. They were left in their stall all day".
10/24/97 - "When I was throwing alfalfa pellets into the yard Sunda was following me and charging at the fence. At the very end she was starting to throw dirt clogs at me."
11/10/97 - "Sunda rammed the protective barrier with her head during the transfer out. This action caused a laceration above her right eye. NAC was notified."
11/17/97 - "Sunda was extremely aggressive today. She rammed the mesh on at least 20 different occassions. When asked to do commands during those times she became more aggressive. She was observed holding her head high with her mouth wide open and her trunk hanging. She also threw her trunk out on several occassions and "snotted" at the trainer."
11/18/97 - "Sunda was still showing quite a bit of aggression while we attempted to get Tembo inside. The aggression ceased when I worked Sunda on chain inside."
11/23/97 - "Sunda hit the barrier once (inflicting a small cut on her upper trunk) and the bars twice in front of me today. This behavior seems to increase and intensify when I must rotate between both elephants as the trainer."
11/28/97 - "Sunda headbutted Tembo in the stall today while I held them together on station. She also lunged at Tembo (Sunda was on a front let chain) when I was working w/Tembo after Sunda came in."
12/2/97 - "Sunda showed some aggression today in front of me. She raised up on the horizontal bar (two front feet) and swung her trunk through the bars before she transferred out. She seemed aggitated during the chaining and transfer (doing wrong commands, moving around and not holding steady)."
1/5/98 - "Sunda hit the elephant bars on Monday the 29th of December. At the time we considered it one of Sunda's everyday normal aggressive moves. However, she did hit the bars extremely hard and a cracking sound was heard. Jason and I mentioned this in ECM on Tuesday 1/30. On Sunday 1/4 Sunda was observed pressing against the bars on both sides of her trunk and opening her mouth on several occasions."
1/18/98 - "Sunda was aggressive non-compliant during the attempted transfer and training sessions. Because she was not responding favorably to commands and had no desire to chain up we were unable to attempt an afternoon transfer."
2/1/98 - "When trying to chain Sunda she did brake her position and try to swing at me."
2/24/98 - "On the transfer back inside Sunda came in first and then Tembo came up to the pad and waited. LRB moved Sunda in front of the barrier, I called to Tembo who stood on the pad for 20 seconds. She then walked in. As soon as she entered the elephant stall Sunda broke from her position and charged Tembo. Tembo dropped her head down and covered (the front portion of her body) Sunda rammed Tembo's head. Tembo let out a loud roar. Sunda backed off a little and Tembo raised her head rumbling and ears out. Temporal glands streaming. LRB moved Sunda back into chaining position and I moved Tembo into her chaining position."
3/1/98 - "Sunda and Tembo are not acting comfortable around each other. Sunda has been making aggressive behaviors toward Tembo and influencing Tembo's behavior (not transferring, reluctant to move around her)."
3/8/98 - "Sunda hit the mesh barrier today during an attempt to transfer the elephants outside. She has an abrasion on her trunk."
3/20/98 - "During the transfer out Sunda hit Tembo and proceeded to push her in the stall for a very short distance."
3/27/98 - "Sunda rammed the bars on the transfer outside causing an abrasion on her trunk."
4/3/98 - "She did not want to chain up by the barrier. We tried for 15 minutes and also during this time JLB, SCM and NAC decided to leave her alone for the rest day to give a longer time out and try again tomorrow. We did not want to try to chain by door or any other spot for the reason, Sunda would learn that she does not get to choose where she wants to be chain. We want her to learn that we will chain her up where we want her to be."
4/6/98 - "Sunda heat-butted Tembo in the stall this morning. She hit her in the right side of her head. I couldn't tell the motive behind Sunda's action, as they were only standing near each other while we set up to do training."
4/24/98 - "Today when JLB and SCM was giving the elephants water, Sunda try to keep Tembo away at first by pushing Tembo with her trunk. Sunda stopped when JLB called her over. After that they both settled down and got a drink of water."
5/22/98 - "Sunda charged Tembo in the yard today. I was moving them to a station Sunda turned and ambled towards Tembo and pushed her."
5/23/98 - "Sunda charged Tembo in the stall today during a chaining procedure. She pushed Tembo sideways a little. Tembo rumbled and flared her ears out."
6/12/98 - "Sunda head butted Tembo this morning in the stall. She also lunged at her two times during an afternoon bath inside."
6/20/98 - "Sunda became excited after she was sent outside today. She was running, throwing browse, ramming the tree and Tembo, kicking Tembo and the ground. She then began favoring her back left leg."
9/4/98 - "Sunda was in an aggressive mood today. She displayed towards Tembo on the transfer inside and outside. Then in the afternoon during a footwork session w/Sunda she charged Tembo and rammed her in the back left hindquarters. Tembo was on chain eating alfalfa and an ince treat not even facing Sunda."
9/5/98 - "Sunda is continuing to show aggression towards Tembo. She is displaying mostly (turning abruptly towards Tembo w/ears out). She did kick Tembo once inside the stall today. I also observed her biting and pushing the tire more than I've seen her before."
9/7/98 - "Sunda was throwing dirt clods at the public today. She was standing in the northeast corner of the yard, picking up the dirt clods and flinging them. I caught her in the act, told her no and had her drop it. I gave her some hose HO2 and she seemed to forget about her mischief."
9/12/98 - "Sunda was throwing dirt clods through the fence toward the muntjac yard. There was not any public present when I observed this behavior this morning. We increased the enrichment (hose h20, alfalfa cubes and browse) and the behavior ceased."
2/19/99 - "Sunda created an abrasion on her trunk today. She hit the top of the bars and scraped some skin off. The wound is approx 3" long and 2" wide."
10/31/99 - Heard Tembo trumping and Sunda "Squeaking" at approx 1740. Went to check on them inside. As I walked up Tembo ran outside kicking or hitting one of the doors on the way. Sunda then charged the bars @ me. Pushing as hard as she could on two of them. Sunda then stared pushing on several areas of the walls she then charged the bards asin - pushing hard at this point Tembo was outside trumping. I went to check on her - she was doing laps around the yard - "attacking the tree as she passed S. end and ate pumpkins. Tembo hit/kicked the transfer doors and then kicked the keeper door. At this point, I had to start clsoing so I left. Did not hear either again."
No entries of any kind for all of 2000 and 2001
9/10/02 - "Asian Elephant "Sunda" seemed very stiff in the front right ankle again today. She wasn't bending it very much at all. Dr. Isaza and KSU students came down. Dr. Isaza believes it is due to arthritis in the joint and asked PH to get an asprin like medicine, (can't remember exact name). Have her take it 2x daily for 4-5 dys.
11/23/02 - "Sunda acting very aggresive this afternoon. Stomped around exhibit and would not allow us to shut doors for a bath. Possibly due to all of the volunteers cleaning back service area. After volunteers left, she was still being aggressive towards Tembo, but complied with all behaviors asked of her."
11/30/02 - "Sunda was being aggresive towards Tembo this AM in the transfer stall. Sunda shoved Tembo twice, Tembo refused to be shut into the transfer stall. She would either break and block the door or not come in at all. This has been a problem over the last couple of weeks. Normally able to shut them in after a couple of time outs."
12/1/02 - "Sunda aggressive towards Tembo in the transfer this AM. Tembo refused to be shut into the transfer. Gave them 3 extended time outs. On 4th try, they came into the transfer opposite their normal positions with Tembo on the hippo side and Sunda next to the elephant door. They allowed the door to be shut and locked. Jackpot heavily once the door was shut and locked."
12/3/02 - "Sunda aggressive (mildly) toward Tembo in the transfer stall this AM and PM."
12/4/02 - "Sunda was being mildly aggressive towards Tembo in the transfer this AM."
12/5/02 - "Sunda - mild aggression towards Tembo in transfer stall this AM and PM. Merle believes Tembo is cycling due to the tick, milky consistency of her urine. Both are doing dominance displays to each other with Sunda doing it more in the transfer."
12/23/02 - "Saw Sunda and Tembo sparring with each other. Aggression was very mild. Sunda was shoving Tembo. Tembo was putting her trunk on top of Sunda's head, pushing her tusk into Sunda's mouth and cheek area. Both stopped after a few minutes."
12/27/02 - "Sunda has been agressive towards Tembo in the transfer stall this morning and yesterday. When trainer tries calling Tembo, Sunda will sometimes become aggressive towards trainer. Sunda kicked and hit Tembo several times this AM in transfer stall."
12/28/02 - "Sunda is still being aggressive towards Tembo in the transfer stall. Saw Sunda running around yard today and kicking Tembo."
12/30/02 - "Gave a good trunk wash but was very aggressive toward Patty and I during chaining. Eventually gave up on chaining her."
1/1/03 - "Sunda was being aggressive in transfer stall to Tembo. Sunda was also aggressive towards BS - hitting her head on the aisle door and blowing on him."
1/2/03 - "Sunda was being aggresive during AM transfer. She was running around the yard and charging the fence. Completed a successful trunkwash on her today."
2/26/03 - "Sunda was mildly aggressive towards DME during a transfer - flung her trunk out with head up and towards DME and PH during bath - similar behavior and stomping around exhibit."
9/23/03 - "Footwork done on Sunda right front and Tembo both fronts. Then both elephants acting difficult in PM after footwork. Tried to transfer outside to clean barn, Tembo stayed in, Sunda charging cables in yard tward TN and then returning to barn and kikking Tembo."
Behavioral notes abruptly stopped for all of 2004, 2005, most of 2006 and all of 2007. Why?
1/21/06 - "Tembo was being very dominant towards Sunda. Observed Tembo following behind Sunda, around exhibit. Tembo had her trunk and upper lip alond Sunda's back. While she followed her. Tembo also mounted Sunda twice."
4/30/06 - "(Tembo) Has been having attitude issues. Unwilling to comply with stretch at the bars lately. Has also been showing slight dominance behaviors towards keepers (last few days especially). In the last 2 days has been throwing fecal alot in the stall and allover her back."
6/8/06 - "Was charged and hit by Sunda. The hit was with Sunda's head and powerful enough to push Tembo over a foot. The hit was on Tembo's abdomen on her right side."
4/30/08 - "Sunda hit Tembo several times this AM on two separate occurances. Both incidents she hit Tembo hard enough to slide her several feet."
And again, behavioral notes abruptly stopped again for the rest of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012. Why?
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